The YahYel are aware of a huge amount of technology buried under seabeds around the world. They wonder why we

The YahYel News Network. Alien First Contact due soon.
Be updated with channeled messages from extraterrestrials. The YahYel are also known as the Shalanaya.
The YahYel are aware of a huge amount of technology buried under seabeds around the world. They wonder why we
Pentim of the YahYel talks about the fourth dimensional Earth, and other alien races moving between third and fourth dimensions.
Rohoe discusses how the YahYel and humans are interlinked and share the same DNA. Rohoe confirms that the Yahyel is
Channeler Roxanne Swainhart from Odyssey of Ascension channels a Yahyel who talks about First Contact and how we should focus
In this quiet video with channeler Thomas Sander Pettersen, he brings forth the YahYel Drew. This channeling is interesting in
Selected excerpts from a recent channeling. Wieteke Koolhof channels Arjun of the Yahyel who talks about physical, mental and emotional
Shayla of the Yahyel, channeled by IvET-Ka, talks about the YahYel funeral celebrations and transitioning. Visit IvET-Ka’s Youtube channel here:
Wieteke channels Arjun who describes, with some detail, the parallel future Earth that the member of the Yahyel society is
A great message from Hylah of the Yahyel through channeler Filipa, exploring several ideas including releasing old beliefs like some
Bella, channeled by Gita Rose, discusses the flow of chi in the body and how relaxation is important for transition
In this channeling of messages from a collection of the Yahyel by Jonathan Trinity Martin, the Yahyel discuss our vibration
Wieteke Koolhof Group Channeling Arjun of The Yahyel Part 4 of 4 This is part 4 of the group channeling conducted in
Channeling Cats. Arjun of The Yahyel Part 3Â with channeler Wieteke Koolhof Group Channeling Channeling Cats. This is part 3Â of the
Arjun of The Yahyel Part 1 Group Channeling with channeler Wieteke Koolhof Arjun of the Yahel. This is part 2Â of
Group Channeling Arjun of The Yahyel Part 1 with channeler Wieteke Koolhof This is part 1 of the group channeling
Creating Our Own Reality Creating Our Own Reality. Makeo Lim Channels A Very Excited Yahyel About The BS We Believe
Yahyel Message Yahyel Message. Another great message from the Yahyel. This one channeled by Jonathon C Martin.
Yahyel Channeling Yahyel Channeling. A great message from the Yahyel about utilising alternate lives to help heal your own. Channeled