Alien Contact

About the Yahyel News Network

Welcome to the Yahyel News Network

The Yahyel will be one of the first alien races to make First Contact with humans. They’ve been chosen by the Interstellar Alliance as they look quite similar to humans. (Approximately 150cm tall on average. Skin tones are more lighter to darker grey. Women have quite thin hair, men are almost hairless. Thinner build. More androgynous looking.) They plan to visit the Earth sometime in the next ten to twenty years when they think we’re ready. To prepare us for this, their emissaries are contacting receptive people on ours and other parallel Earths to channel their messages. As the time is fast approaching, more humans are being contacted, and more Yahyel channelers are now available. It’s possible you can find a Yahyel channeler in your own country. Certainly there are now hundreds of Youtube Videos on the Yahyel in a variety of languages.

The Yahyel News Network was originally set up in 2011 in preparation for the time when Yahyel contact would begin to increase. This has now begun and it is expected that many more will begin channeling the Yahyel in 2020. As 2020 had long been chosen as the year for this site to ‘awaken’ so to speak, expect a lot more videos and posts regarding Yahyel messages in the coming days and weeks.

First Contact by aliens with humanity is more likely to be sometime between 2025 and 2033. Private contact is already taking place. If you would like to speak with the Yahyel yourself, I recommend you do a channeling course. There are many online, and some could even be in your area. Alternately, the book Opening to Channel is a good place to start. Otherwise, please subscribe to the Yahyel News Network to receive regular posts of messages from The Yahyel.

Love and Light


Disclaimer: The messages are given out of love and joy of the channeler but they do not insist that you have to take or believe the message. Keep that which resonates and leave that which doesn’t. Always refer to legal, medical or other advice before following any advice you might receive from the messages on this site. Channelers may also preface their messages with additional warnings. No channeler can prove any of the messages they receive are actually from an alien civilization, even though they personally believe they are. It’s up to you to decide what works for you. This site and any business or person associated with the site takes no responsibility for any problems that might occur in following the advice from channeled messages.

This is a not-for-profit service to humanity. Money made from ad clicks on this site, and commissions earned from book sales as an affiliate through Amazon, go towards paying for annual domain renewal and hosting.