The Alien Characters series explores the more metaphysical nature of the universe, using concepts expanded on by Bashar, Abraham, Seth, The Yahyel, P’Taah, Elan, Ra and many other channeled beings over the centuries, along with the author’s own channeled ideas.
If you’re looking for a book series that aligns with metaphysical ideas that you’d like kids to read you’ll find the Alien Characters series ticks the boxes.
The first series explores how the Alien Characters, in following their excitement, encounter challenges in their lives that they overcome. In Alien Sophie (book #13) they come together as a crew aboard The Celestial Breeze Space Ship, along with its companion planet, then continue their fun adventures around the galaxy, while asking more aliens to join their crew in their travels.
The story arc: Connect the Large Magellanic Cloud Galaxy beings and the Milky Way Galaxy beings in friendship.
Three-part mission:
- Collect fun aliens with unique skills from the Large Magellanic Cloud Galaxy
- Find a way to cross the void between the galaxies.
- Meet and collect fun aliens with unique skills from the Milky Way Galaxy.
The goal behind the series is to inform children of the fun, positive, friendly and caring nature of beings around the universe, and to help them and their families to be prepared for official contact with the Yahyel and other races.
New! Just released! October 2015.
Alien Grace has crashed on Primitos, a planet in the Large Magellanic Cloud Galaxy.
Somehow, while jumping between realities, her conscious ship’s mass energy ratios had been disrupted by a fly!
She hopes someone will receive her telepathic message and rescue her, but, then what?
Was there any way she could ever return to her parallel Earth home in the Milky Way Galaxy?
Find out more in Alien Grace, book #19 of the Alien Characters series, featuring 17 awesome illustrations by Genelyn Javier.
Each book contains an encapsulated story within the Alien Characters universe and each story features a new character. They can be read as stand-alone titles or in groups of series.
If you’re looking for something new for your child, or a birthday or Christmas present, or something to take along to a child’s party as a present, an Alien Characters book would make an interesting gift. The style of writing is for a similar age group to the Mr Men, Thomas the Tank Engine and Doctor Who children’s books, and makes great bedtime reading.
The Alien Characters series is currently approaching 70 titles, and has a spin off series for young adults entitled Galactic Mission Series.
Collect them all!
Other titles in the series
#01 Alien Bob
#02 Alien Hamish
#03 Alien Robert
#04 Alien Christine
#05 Alien Tim
#06 Alien Vince
#07 Alien Carla
#08 Alien Rex
#09 Alien Amanda
#10 Alien Nathanial
#11 Alien Anneke
#12 Alien James
#13 Alien Sophie
#14X Alien Holly
#15 Alien Sarah
#16 Alien Luca
#17 Alien Isabella
#18 Alien William
#19 Alien Grace
Coming Soon
#20 Alien David
#21 Alien Lily
#22 Alien Matthew
#23 Alien Kylie
#24 Alien Jack
Coming in 2016
#25 Alien Emma
#26 Alien Aiden
#27 Alien Elizabeth
For more information, visit the official website here: Alien Characters
Update 2020. Many thanks for your interest in this page. The Alien Characters series is due for an upgrade this decade. Some rewrites and redesigns are expected. You may find links to the older versions may not work. Rest assured the Alien Characters series will be around for a long time yet.