Alien Characters Metaphysical Science Fiction and Fantasy Stories for Children

Alien Characters Series. Illustrated Metaphysical Science Fiction and Fantasy Stories for Children.

Alien Characters Series

Alien Characters Series. Have you found it a challenge to discover appropriate children’s books that can inform them subtly about the existence of aliens in the galaxy in a friendly way?

The Alien Characters series can help. It’s a fun series set in a more obviously metaphysical universe where all the aliens get along and their challenges and discoveries are what creates the story. The writer is a huge fan of Bashar, Abraham, Seth, P’Taah, Ra and other channeled entities, including of course The Yahyel, and the wisdom these entities have imparted over the years guides the structure of the series.

The first series discovered various aliens living separately in the Large Magellanic Cloud which come together at the end of the year in a galactic conference. The second series gets them working together aboard the Celestial Breeze, a cylindrical mother ship with 37 circular environments, bigger than New Zealand. They travel the galaxy, with their companion planet Elizabeth, collecting more aliens. Series three is mostly set in a negative universe where they need to use their skills to combat a terrible alien menace taking over that galaxy. Series four is back in our universe and is mostly set in the void between the Large Magellanic Cloud Galaxy and the Milky Way Galaxy.

Their main mission? To discover new aliens and connect their galaxy and ours in friendship.

The books and ebooks are available through Amazon with monthly releases planned. Click here to find out more and read excerpts from the series. Or visit the main site here: Alien Characters

See also  Storm Area 51. The Beginning of Mass Awareness.

The latest title in printed form is book #19 Alien Grace.

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