Tahinio Re of the YahYel channeled by Jonathan Trinity Martin

Tahinio Re of the YahYel, channeled by Jonathan Trinity Martin

In this First Contact channeling, Tahinio Re answers questions such as when will individual first contacts begin, and how will the Agarthans figure in all this?

Manus – The most important takeaway from this video is the clarification that the YahYel will be the first ‘hybrid’ race to make contact with humans. In a sense, they would be the first ‘alien’ race. The first actual race to make official world wide contact with humans is most likely to be the Pleiadians, due to the ease of connection, the high similarity between their culture and ours, and the lack of a need for telepaths, though they might still be required. The Pleiadians really look like us but, well, more angelic. The YahYel look like us, but more alien. So, to appeal to our centuries of conditioning to believe that good aliens look beautiful and bad aliens look, well, alien, the Pleiadians have to make the first overture.

Incidentally, as has been said by many channelers, it’s not really First Contact. It’s First Contact with our civilisation now. There had been plenty of contact between humans and aliens 12,800 years ago during Atlantean times, which we have long since forgotten.

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